

German Sticker


The majority of avid Attic collectors are familiar with the United Kingdom stickers that were affixed to the back of early generation hang tags to comply with European standards.  This is the first we have seen of  this little known German sticker.  The CE marking is a product's passport to Europe.  CE is the abbreviation for the French term "Conformite Europeene." The attached CE marking in this case the sticker, means the product has met the quality and safety standards as well as the legal obligations on products European bound to the 15 countries that comprise the European Union (EU) and the 4 countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA.)  For the full story on the "CE markings" follow the link.  Conformite Europeene

The German sticker attached to a straight back Clifford was spotted by Kathleen Embleton on a closed auction on eBay.  A special thanks to both the seller (Trish) and buyer (Glenda) for providing us with information.  For a look at the auction follow the link:  Clifford



European Sticker U.K. Sticker

To date only seven Attic Treasures have been identified with the German stickers:  First generations Clifford, Dexter, Digby, Fraser, Gilbert, Henry, Tiny Tim, and Tyler.

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